The company Farby KABE Polska Sp. z o.o. received the Great Silesian Construction Award for professionalism, creativity and entrepreneurship.
The award was granted by the Chapter of the Silesian Chamber of Construction.
The Farby KABE Polska Sp. z o.o. company received a CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCE in the field of implementing innovative technical and technological solutions in the operation of buildings.
The certificate was awarded by the Polish Real Estate Institute.
20 czerwca 2018 r. w Teatrze Narodowym Opery Narodowej w Warszawie odbyła się uroczysta XXIX gala Medalu Europejskiego.
Winners of the competition for products and services – companies from all over Poland and Laureates of the Honorary European Medal – stood on the stage in the Redoubt Rooms.
The Farby KABE Polska Sp. z o.o. company received the European Medal for NOVALIT T polysilicate render.
Business Gazelles On March 1, 2018, the 18th edition of the Ranking of the Most Dynamically Developing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises took place.
The Farby KABE Polska Sp. z o.o. company was among the winners of the Gazele 2017 ranking.
The Farby KABE company received a distinction for outstanding achievements in the renovation of historical zones for a tenement house at Wąski Dunaj 3 in Warsaw – painting the facade and recreating sgraffito.
The Farby KABE company received an award in the category for “High degree of suitability for renovation work” for “Novalit System – polysilicate materials for painting and decorating historic facades”.
The Farby KABE Polska company received acknowledgements for the support in the implementation of the mural by DULKA on the Mogilskie Roundabout, created as part of the “101 Murals for Krakow” campaign.
Farby KABE Polska Sp. z o.o. company has received an acknowledgment from the Zespół Szkół Kształcenia Centrum Ustawicznego (School Complex of Adult Education Center) in Konin for the opportunity to collaborate with business by preparing and painting a mural contributing to the school building appearance with simultaneous transfer of history in the characters of HUSAR.
”Farby KABE company has received an acknowledgment from Warsztaty Terapii Zajęciowej Ognisko (“Ognisko” Occupational Therapy Workshops) in Kraków for supporting actions in favor of the disabled by providing free paints for redecorating rooms….
Farby KABE company has received an acknowledgment for supporting the POMOCNA DŁOŃ (HELPING HAND) project. The company has provided paints for preparing patriotic mural Kapral Wojtek being an inspiration to deepen the historical knowledge about our country.
Farby KABE Polska company has been awarded a distinction in the Construction Brand of the Year Ranking 2016 in category Professional-friendly Brand for the successes in creating a strong brand on the market of building materials in 2016.
Farby KABE company has received acknowledgments for their support in the form of donation for completing the repair of Centrum Aktywności Lokalnej (Center for Local Activity) in Zabrze.
The Selection Board of the 15th European Renovation Information Congress awarded Farby KABE Sp. z o.o. company distinction RENOWATOR 2016 in category “For high suitability level for renovation work” for the DEKOFIX reversible interior paint.
The Selection Board of the 15th European Renovation Information Congress awarded Farby KABE Sp. z o.o. company distinction RENOWATOR 2016 in category “For high suitability level for renovation work” for the DEKOFIX reversible interior paint.