A mineral lazure paint intended for applying decorative, lazure (not fully covering) paint coatings outside buildings. It is especially recommended for emphasizing the attractive substrate texture and colour merging of the whole façade. It can be applied on mineral substrates (e.g., traditional lime renders, lime-cement renders and cement renders, as well as thin-coat mineral renders, silicate renders, polysilicate renders) and also substrates covered with plastic-based renders/plasters. The NOVALIT L lazure paint is produced based on specially modifi ed potassium water glass in accordance with innovative, low-alkaline polysilicate technology. Absorbent mineral substrates should be primed with NOVALIT GF before applying the paint.

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Base binder:special modifi ed potassium water glass;
Pigments:resistant to UV radiation and atmospheric conditions inorganic coloured pigments;
The content of volatile organic compounds VOC:cat. A/c. The product contains less than 40 g/l VOC;
Density:approx. 1.20 g/cm³;
Colours:colours from KABE colour chart and selected colours from the NCS colour chart or according to a sample provided (possible to obtain using inorganic pigments);
Average coverage:approx. 0.15 l/m²;
Temperature of application (air and substrate): from +5°C to +25°C;
Relative air humidity:≤75%;
Relative diff usion resistance of the layer with a thickness of 150 μm:Sd = 0.04 m (standard requirement: Sd ≤ 2.0 m);
Surface absorption coefficient:w = 0.05 kg/m² • h0.5 (standard requirement: w ≤ 0.5 kg/m² • h0.5).
Packaging:Disposable plastic packaging containing 5 litres of product.
Storage: Product should be stored in sealed packaging, in a cool room, but protected from frost. Opened packaging should be tightly closed and used as quickly as possible.
Shelf life:12 months from the date of production printed on the packaging, with originally sealed packaging.

• High decorative value of lazure coating
• Mineral nature
• Low-alkaline (pH 8-9.5)
• Increased resistance to adverse weather conditions
• Resistance to changes of weather conditions during application and setting
• Increased resistance to soiling
• Micro-porous texture, which assures high vapour permeability
• Low surface absorption
• For use on both mineral substrates and plastic-based renders/plasters
• Anti-fungal and algae protection (reduces the growth of algae and fungi)

SUBSTRATE PREPARATION: Substrate should be sound/stable (without scratches and cracks), degreased, dry and clean, and free of biological contamination and chemical efflorescence. In case of algae/fungi growth, the substrate should be cleaned mechanically and then washed with water and disinfected with ALGIZID. Any loose layers, not bound to the substrate (e.g., loose render or flaked coatings), should be removed. Old and/or dirty substrates should be washed and degreased with water and CLEANFORCE cleaning agent. For particularly uneven substrates, first use levelling compounds, and then smooth out the surface with KOMBI FINISZ levelling and smoothing compound. Small unevenness can be smoothed with KOMBI FINISZ levelling and smoothing compound. An absorbent substrate should be primed with an adequate product before applying base coats and/or levelling compounds. If the paint is applied on new mineral substrates (e.g., concrete, lime render, cement render, cement-lime render) – a minimum 2-week curing period is required.
PRIMING: A mineral substrate should be primed with NOVALIT GF before applying the paint. The curing period of the product applied to the substrate before applying the paint is about 12 hours. Note: Substrates with low wettability (such as plastic-based renders or dispersion paint coatings) should not be primed and should be only washed with water and the CLEANFORCE product.
PAINT PREPARATION: The packaging contains a ready-to-use product. If necessary, add a small amount of clean water (by adding to the first painting max. 10% of volume and to the second one max. 5%). Quantity of added water may vary depending on the substrate type, drying conditions and application method.
APPLICATION: The paint should be applied on the substrate in 1-2 layers with a brush, roller, sponge or by spraying. It is recommended to use a special paint roller for façade paints made of woven polyamide with a bristle length of min. 18mm. If necessary, the subsequent paint coatings may differ in colour, coverage (amount of filler) and application technique. The fresh paint coating is easy to process by using the aforementioned tools, while the final effect depends only on the skills and imagination of the worker. Note: In order to assure the best decorative effect, it is recommended to apply lazure paint on the coating made by using one NOVALIT F paint layer – option B.
DRYING: The setting (hardening) time of the paint applied onto a substrate is approx. 24 hours (at +20°C, 55% RH). Note: At low temperatures and high air humidity, the paint setting time will be longer. Protect the fresh paint coating against precipitation and condensation until it dries completely.
USEFUL HINTS: In order to avoid colour differences, it is necessary to create a surface constituting a separate architectural whole in one work cycle with material from the same production batch. Paint application and setting should take place on dry days at temperatures above +5°C. Tools should be cleaned with water immediately after finishing work. Application during direct exposure to sunlight, in strong winds or high air humidity is not recommended. In order to protect the completely unset paint coating against severe weather conditions, it is recommended to use appropriate protective meshes on scaff olds.
ADDITIONAL OPTIONS: In order to increase the resistance of the paint coat to the growth of algae and fungi (especially while renovating EWI systems and while painting façades in shaded places with increased humidity and with a high concentration of plants), it is recommended to apply a special protective agent along with the paint (additional service).