For the façade
Primers and priming paints are intended for the proper preparation of substrates for thin-layer renders and paint coatings. They are used for specific finish materials and have to be applied according to strictly defined guidelines. Because only a correct selection of those products allows us to guarantee their proper collaboration and, consequently, a proper final effect of the construction work.
Primers to be used under silicone products
Silicone primers are used to prime any…More informationPrimers to be used under polysilicate (low-alkali) products
Main advantages of primers under polysilicate products:-…More informationPrimers to be used under silicate products
Silicate primer under silicate render compounds/used on…More informationPrimers for silicate and silicone products
Silicate-silicone primer for silicone-silicate renders.Used for priming…More informationPrimers to be used under acrylic products
Primers under acrylic products are designed for…More informationPrimers to be used under mineral products
Main advantages of primers under mineral products:-…More information