KABE DP – Silicone mould for the board effect

A mould in the form of a fl exible silicone matrix, reusable. Designed for imprinting board patterns in the KABE DECOR PRINT mineral mortar, used inside and outside buildings, including the KABE THERM RENO EPS-based insulation system and the KABE THERM MW system based on mineral wool. The mould has a direction marking of the reflected matrix in the form of an imprinted arrow in the upper left corner of the negative, which facilitates and speeds up orientation when rotating the mould. There are 2 diff erent patterns of silicone mould available in grey and red (for easier identifi cation). The red mould has a denser grain pattern than the grey one. When using the silicone mould, use a KABE DP2 anti-adhesive agent.
Type of binder: | binder: silicone binder; |
Reinforcing fabric: | fibreglass mesh 145 g/m2; |
Mould colours: | grey and red, |
Mould type and dimensions: | KABE DP (SZ) – silicone mould (grey) to provide a board effect, dimensions: 19 x 200 cm; KABE DP (CZ) – silicone mould (red) to provide a board effect, dimensions: 20 x 200 cm; |
Anti-adhesive agent: | KABE DP2; |
Temperature of application (air and substrate): | from +5°C to +25°C; |
Relative air humidity: | ≤ 75%; |
Packaging: | Cardboard packaging with product identification label. |
Storage: | in original packaging in dry rooms, at temperatures from +10°C to max. +25°C. Silicone moulds should not be exposed to direct sunlight, high temperature, moisture or frost. The packaging must not be crushed or deformed. The most important thing when storing moulds is to avoid contact with solvent and oil vapours! |
Shelf life: | 12 months from the date of production printed on the packaging, provided that the storage conditions are observed. |
• unique board pattern, specially designed for Farby KABE;
• a clear, deep pattern, emphasising the aesthetic
value of the board decorative eff ect;
• increased thickness and durability of silicone moulds;
• various patterns and sizes of silicone moulds in grey and red colour;
• additional indication of the direction of the refl ected mould.
Substrate preparation: substrate should be sound/stable, degreased, even, dry and free of biological contamination and chemical efflorescence. Fresh mineral substrates should be cured for min. 4 weeks. Places of algae/fungi growth: clean mechanically, and then wash with water and disinfect with ALGIZID. Any layers not bonded to the substrate (e.g., loose render or flaked coatings) should be removed. Uneven areas or holes in substrate: small, up to 5 mm – smooth out the whole surface with KOMBI base coat; larger – fill with filling mortar before smoothing out. Curing time min. 4 days. Before applying the KOMBI DECOR PRINT render in the EWI system, all base coats should be applied in accordance with the requirements for external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS).
Priming: Before applying the KOMBI DECOR PRINT compound, the substrate should be primed with PERMURO GT 24 hours before applying the render. Note: In the case of application on very absorbent substrates, such as gypsum plasters, it is necessary to prime with BUDOGRUNT WG first, and then after min. 2 hours with PERMURO GT primer.
Product preparation: Gradually pour the entire packaging contents into a container with a premeasured amount of cool water (approx. 5 litres per 25 kg of mortar), stirring constantly (with a low-speed mixer/drill), until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture is obtained. After leaving it for 5 minutes and remixing, the mortar is ready to use. After adding water, the product must be used within approx. 2 hours (at air temperature +20°C and RH 55%). Note: Excessive amount of mixing water may cause bubbles to form on the mortar layer.
Compound application: Apply the prepared KOMBI DECOR PRINT compound in a uniform layer, with thickness of about 4 mm using a steel trowel held at an angle, then spread with a notched trowel (notch size 10-12 mm) at an angle, uniform the thickness of the layer, smooth it out and wait until the initial setting of the mass takes place and a skin is formed.
Impressing a board pattern: Impress evenly the KABE DP silicone mould in the applied layer, pressing with a wallpaper roller. Before each impression, the KABE DP silicone mould should be coated with KABE DP2 anti-adhesion agent. The KABE DP silicone moulds should be covered (lubricated) only with KABE DP2 anti-adhesive agent, immediately before impressing the mould. Using other anti-adhesive agents than KABE DP2 may damage silicone, accelerating its degradation. It is recommended to irregularly rotate the silicone moulds (“right-left”) during subsequent impressions, in order to limit the visible and repeatable pattern of the board and, if necessary, manually correct the resulting texture using available tools.
Drying: under recommended conditions of use: min. 7 days, while in laboratory conditions (i.e., at +20°C and 55% relative air humidity): approx. 3 days. Until the render hardens, protect the layer against precipitation and moisture condensation. Note: At low temperatures and high relative humidity the render drying time may be significantly longer. While working and directly after completion, the plastered surface should be protected against too intense drying and precipitation. After pre-setting, the impressed mass is easily processed by grinding or scraping.
Painting: After the render with impressed board pattern has dried in some places (e.g., at joints) sand the surface with sandpaper. On the dried and dedusted surface apply the BUDOGRUNT ZG/WG primer, one layer of AKRYLATEX base paint (on the façade) or PROLATEX (in interiors), and once it is dry (after about 3 hours), apply one or more layers of the LAZUR Z/W lazure paint (depending on the expected decorative effect). NOTE: A single batch of product should be used on separate architectural elements in a single work cycle, using the “wet on wet” method. The final effect of the LAZUR Z/W lazure paint depends largely on the roughness of the substrate, the thickness of the lazure coating and the skills and experience of the worker, therefore, we always recommend performing a preliminary test on a specific substrate. Tools should be cleaned with water immediately after use.
Useful hints: After completing the work, silicone moulds should be washed with clean water without detergents (remains of KOMBI DECOR PRINT mortar and KABE DP2 anti-adhesive agent should be removed from the silicone mould). After washing and cleaning, silicone moulds should be left unfolded until dry. Silicone moulds are best stored unfolded in a place that provides air access and exchange. Do not store moulds in uncleaned condition. Do not store or soak the silicone mould in the KABE DP2 anti-adhesive agent.