KOMBI DECOR EFFECT – Dispersion adhesive for façade panels

Ready-to-use dispersion compound for fi xing KABE DECOR EFFECT decorative façade panels inside and outside buildings and in KABE THERM DECOR EFFECT* EWI system. The dispersion adhesive ensures high viscosity and adhesion of the installed panels, which facilitates and speeds up the fi nishing work. The panels can be installed edge-to-edge or with a joint of max. width up to 4 mm. It can also be used on all even mineral substrates, including, e.g., cement renders, cement-lime renders, gypsum renders and plasterboards.
Base binder: | acrylic dispersion; |
Colour: | cream; |
Bulk density: | approx. 1.75 kg/dm3; |
Open time: | approx. 15 min, depending on application conditions and type and absorbency of substrate; |
Average coverage: | approx. 2.5 kg⁄m2 when fixing KABE DECOR EFFECT panels on even substrates and applying the adhesive with notched trowel with 4 mm teeth |
Temperature of application (air and substrate): | from +5 °C to +25 °C; |
Relative air humidity: | ≤ 75%; |
Packaging: | Disposable plastic packaging holding 20 kg of the product. |
Shelf life and storage conditions: | 12 months from the date of manufacture, store in a sealed packaging, in a cool room protected from freezing. |
• Very good adhesive properties
• High initial tack
• No run-off from a vertical surface
• High adhesion to the substrate and the panels
• Easy application
• Reinforced with microfi bres
SUBSTRATE PREPARATION: The substrate must be sound/stable, free from any dust and anti-adhesive substances, level and dry. The substrate must be protected against capillary moisture intake and precipitation water. Any loose layers, not bound to the substrate, should be removed. The base coats of the insulation system should be performed in accordance with the technology of the External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems for buildings (ETICS). A newly-made reinforced layer must be cured for at least 4 days, depending on the layer thickness and curing conditions. Places of algae/fungi growth: clean mechanically, and then wash with water and disinfect with ALGIZID. If there are any salt effl orescence patches (white discolouration), the substrate should be cleaned mechanically and primed with a deep-penetrating product. In case of uneven areas or holes in substrate (up to 5 mm) – smooth out the whole surface with KOMBI base coat, however, if the surface defects are larger – fill with fi lling mortar before smoothing out. New mineral substrates, including, e.g., cement renders and cement-lime renders, should be cured for at least 4 weeks. Old or dirty substrates should be washed and degreased with water and CLEANFORCE cleaning agent.
SUBSTRATE PRIMING: Heterogeneous or very absorbent substrates should be first primed with BUDOGRUNT ZG/WG. All surfaces, on which we apply the KOMBI DECOR EFFECT adhesive, have to be primed with PERMURO GT 24 hours prior to panel fixing.
PANEL PREPARATION: Before installation, the panels should be stored in a warm room at min. 15ºC for at least one day. Then unpack and carefully unfold them on a flat surface, so that they can take a straight shape. 24 hours later the panels are ready for installation. The above activities and periods are solely illustrative and highly conditional on the ambient conditions and temperature in the construction site. The above recommendations should be followed, in particular, in early spring and late autumn.
ADHESIVE PREPARATION: Mix the adhesive thoroughly directly before application. In order to obtain the appropriate working consistency, a small amount of water may be added (no more than 0.2 l of water per 20 kg of adhesive).
PANEL INSTALLATION: Apply the adhesive onto the substrate in an even layer using a notched stainless steel trowel with teeth width from 4 to 6 mm (choose the size of the trowel teeth depending on the evenness of the substrate), on the surface of 2-3 façade panels. Next, place the panel on the substrate and press manually along the whole length. Then slide to the appropriate location and press with a rubber roller (e.g., a wallpaper one). After fi xing the next panel, move it to the previous one, so that the entire contact surface is tightly filled with adhesive, which will prevent water from penetrating and degrading the substrate. Remove excess adhesive. Fill any joint gaps with the adhesive and smooth with a brush. Remove any adhesive stains with a damp sponge before they dry. Note: Do not apply the adhesive to excessively large surface, especially at high temperatures and low air humidity, because the adhesive dries on the surface. If a film appears on the applied adhesive top (you cannot feel any stickiness when you touch it), the adhesive layer should be removed and a new one applied. The bonding area of the façade panels must be 100%. The panels must not be installed by means of adhesive patches.
DRYING: The drying period of the adhesive under normal conditions is min. 48 hours (drying at +20°C and at a relative air humidity of 55%). Drying time may be longer, up to several days, due to low air temperatures and high humidity. A newly-installed panel surface should be protected against precipitation and condensation for at least 48 hours – until the adhesive has completely hardened in the joints. Note: Direct impact of atmospheric precipitation on fresh or not completely dried dispersion adhesive results in washing it away.
PAINTING: After the adhesive dries, the panels should be painted with AKRYLATEX base paint (outdoors) or AKRYLATEX W (indoors) and LAZUR Z/W lazure paint in a chosen colour. After consecutive paint layers are applied, the panel surface should be wiped with a moist sponge to make the wood texture more visible. Consecutive application can be made after the previous layer has dried completely, meaning after approx. 4 hours (when drying at a temperature of +20°C and relative air humidity of 55%). If used outdoors, it is recommended to wait approximately 12 hours. Note: At low temperatures and high air humidity, the paint drying time will be longer. While wiping, systematically rinse the sponge in clean water and wring it out to remove excess lazure paint, otherwise you will not achieve an even wiping eff ect and a clear wood grain pattern over the entire surface. The end result of coating with lazure paints depends largely on the tools used, application conditions, as well as the technique and skills of the worker. Before applying on the wall, a paint test is recommended.
USEFUL HINTS: Before starting gluing, carefully mark the base line (vertical and/or horizontal) and plan the arrangement of individual panels on the wall, especially around the edges of window and door openings. The joints of shorter panel sides should not be aligned. The base coat should be applied and dried on dry days at temperatures between +10°C and +25°C. Wash tools with water immediately after fi nishing work. Avoid working on surfaces directly exposed to sunlight, as well as in strong winds and at high air humidity. In order to protect the undried reinforced layer against severe weather conditions, it is recommended to use appropriate protective meshes or tarpaulins on scaff olds. A uniform distance between the façade panels can be achieved using self-adhesive guide-spacer strips or tile crosses.