KOMBI DECOR PRINT – Mineral mortar for decorative effects

Dry, mineral render intended for performing decorative eff ect of the wood/board structure, outside and inside buildings, including in the KABE THERM RENO* EWI system. It makes it possible to obtain an attractive top coat texture by impressing the silicone mould. For use on mineral substrates and substrates covered with a well-bonded plastic-based coating. NOTE: Protective and decorative properties are obtained after repainting with AKRYLATEX / PROLATEX base
paint and LAZUR Z/W lazure paint.
Base binder: | hydraulic binders. |
Colour: | white. |
Mixing ratio with water: | approx. 5.0 l for 25 kg of dry mortar. |
Temperature of application (air and substrate): | from +5°C to +25°C. Avoid working on surfaces exposed to direct sunlight, in strong winds or at a high air humidity. |
Relative air humidity: | < 75%; |
Approximate consumption: | about 4,5 to 5.0 kg/m2 |
Render type according to PN-EN 998-1: | GP (general purpose). |
Compressive strength range: | cat. CS IV |
Adhesion to substrate: | ≥ 1.0 N/mm2, FP:A |
Water absorption: | cat. W2 |
Durability after freeze-thaw cycles: | – no mass loss of samples – decrease in bending strength < 6% – decrease in compressive strength < 4% |
Water vapour permeability coeffi cient: | μ: approx. 29.8 |
Reaction to fire: | Disposable paper packaging containing 25 kg of product. |
Storage: | store in sealed packaging, in a cool room, but protected from moisture and frost. Keep out of the reach of children. If necessary, seek medical advice and show the container or label. |
Shelf life: | 12 months from the date of production printed on the packaging, with originally sealed packaging. |
• High decorative qualities of the render imitating the wood/board eff ect
• A clear structure of the impressed mould
• Easy to apply and impress the mould
• After applying fi nishing coatings, it is resistant to external conditions
• Possibility of using both on façades and inside buildings
• Contains cellulose fi bres
Substrate requirements: sound/stable, degreased, even and dry, and free of biological contamination and chemical effl orescence. Fresh mineral substrates should be cured for min. 4 weeks. Places of algae/fungi growth: clean mechanically, and then wash with water and disinfect with ALGIZID. Any layers not bonded to the substrate (e.g., loose render or flaked coatings) should be removed. Uneven areas or holes in substrate: small, up to 5 mm – smooth out the whole surface with KOMBI base coat; larger – fill with filling mortar before smoothing out. Curing time min. 4 days. Before using the KOMBI DECOR PRINT render in the KABE THERM RENO EWI system, all base coats should be applied in accordance with the requirements for external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS).
Priming: with PERMURO GT primer 24 hours before applying a render. Note: In the case of application on very absorbent substrates, such as gypsum plasters, it is necessary to prime with BUDOGRUNT WG fi rst, and then after min. 2 hours with PERMURO GT primer.
Product preparation: Gradually pour the entire packaging contents into a container with a premeasured amount of cool water (approx. 5 litres per 25 kg of mortar), stirring constantly (with a low-speed mixer/drill), until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture is obtained. After leaving it for 5 minutes and remixing, the mortar is ready to use. After adding water, the product must be used within approx. 2 hours (at air temperature +20°C and RH 55%).
Application onto the substrate: uniform layer, with thickness of about 4 mm, using a steel trowel held at an angle, then treat with a notched trowel (notch size 10-12 mm) at an angle, uniform the layer thickness and smooth.
Structure impression: impress evenly a silicone mould in the applied layer, pressing with a wallpaper roller. Note: Before each impression, the silicone mould should be coated with KABE DP2 anti-adhesion agent.
Drying: about 3 days (at a temperature of +20°C and relative humidity 55%). Until the render hardens, protect the layer against precipitation and moisture condensation. Note: At low temperatures and high relative humidity the render drying time may be signifi cantly longer. After pre-setting, the impressed mass is easily processed by grinding or scraping.
Decorative protective coating: After the render has dried in some places (e.g., at joints) sand the surface with sandpaper. On the dried and dedusted surface apply the BUDOGRUNT ZG/WG primer, one layer of AKRYLATEX base paint (on the façade) or PROLATEX (in interiors), and once it is dry (after about 3 hours), apply one or more layers of the LAZUR Z/W lazure paint (depending on the expected decorative eff ect).
Useful hints: a single batch of product should be used on separate architectural elements in a single work cycle, using the “wet on wet” method. While working and directly after completion, the plastered surface should be protected against too intense drying and precipitation. As far as untypical substrates are concerned, a prior test is recommended. Tools should be cleaned with water immediately after use.