External thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) using the seamless method and bonding expanded styrofoam (EPS) or extruded styrofoam (XPS) boards to mineral substrates (e.g., concrete, ceramics). To be used in KABE THERM RENO,
KABE THERM SM and KABE THERM SM RENO, KABE THERM ELASTO, KABE THERM AVANT, KABE THERM MARMURIT / MOZAIKER, KABE THERM MARMURIT COLORATO / MOZAIKER COLORATO and KABE THERM CK EWI systems, where thermal insulation boards are simultaneously mechanically fixed to the substrate (as per technical design). Thermal insulation of foundations, walls and basements (installing EPS boards, EPS boards to mineral and bitumen substrates). Filling joints between EPS boards, gaps resulting from cutting boards. Vertical expansion joints in walls. Sealing joints, e.g., at window sills, window sill tiles, balcony tiles, cellar or basement windows.

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Open time:up to 10 minutes;
Correcting the position of installed EPS board:up to 10 minutes;
Glue hardening time (at 50% RH and 23°C):2 hours**;
Thermal resistance after hardening:from +40°C to +90°C;
Coverage:up to 8 m²* (wall insulation) and up to 12 m²* (foundations, cellars, basements)
Adhesion to concrete:≥ 0.3 MPa;
Adhesion to EPS:≥ 0.1 MPa (tear in body)
Ambient and substrate temperature and adhesive hardening:from +1°C to +30°C (recommended from +10°C to +25°C)
Tin container temperature:from +5°C to +25°C (optimum +20°C);
Application conditions outside buildings:dry weather, avoid working at direct sunlight and strong wind
Container size:metal container with a volume of 750 ml adhesive;
Shelf life:18 months from the date of production provided on the container bottom.
Storage:in a closed packaging in vertical position, in a dry, cool place, at a temperature ranging from +5°C to +25°C.

• High thermal insulation (λ = 0.0348 W/m*K), no risk of thermal bridges
• Low volume increase and high dimensional stability
• High adhesion and impact resistance
• Short setting time
• Easy to apply and process

SUBSTRATE PREPARATION: The substrate has to be sound (no cracks or crevices), clean, degreased, free from dust and even. Allowable wall deviation should not exceed -4 mm and +2 mm (take the measure with a straightedge at a length of 2 m, at an accuracy of 1 mm). In case of higher deviations, apply a levelling coat. Clean foundations and walls mechanically, removing dirt, algae and fungi, then wash with water and disinfect with ALGIZID. The substrate must be protected against capillary moisture intake and precipitation water. Pay special attention to avoid hoarfrost on glued surfaces. Insulation boards (other than cut) can contain anti-adhesion agents. Perform an adhesion test. If necessary, grind the back side of the boards. To enhance adhesion, accelerate hardening and improve structure, the substrate should be fi rst moistened with water by using a sprayer.
ADHESIVE PREPARATION: Stir the adhesive in the container thoroughly directly before using. Screw the container onto the gun. Dispose the initial portion of adhesive (about 30 cm) until pressure in the gun is equalised, direct it to the side (not to be used). Start gluing the boards always from the bottom, supporting the bottom row on the start stripe or foundation heel. Remove any dirt with special cleaning wipes or PU foam cleaner. Note: The cleaner can react with the EPS board resulting in its damage. Hardened adhesive can be removed only by mechanical means. Places, where the adhesive is exposed to UV radiation, should be protected within 10 days from adhesive application. Use silicone or acrylic render to protect against UV radiation.
BONDING BOARDS WHILE PERFORMING EXTERNAL WALL INSULATION: Apply the adhesive on boards along their circumference at a distance of 2 cm from the board edge and with a band shaped in letter “M” or “W”. Within maximum 10 minutes from adhesive application, put the boards on the substrate and press by using a straightedge. Boards’ position can be corrected within 10 minutes from application. Mechanical fixing by installing pins can be started 3 hours from gluing. The adhesive joint obtains full mechanical strength after 24 hours from gluing boards. Note: Setting time may be longer at lower temperatures and low air humidity.
BONDING BOARDS WHILE PERFORMING THERMAL INSULATION OF FOUNDATIONS, CELLAR WALLS AND OTHER UNDERGROUND BUILDING SECTIONS: Apply the adhesive on one side onto the substrate in vertical stripes spaced 20-30 cm apart. In case of boards 150-160 cm wide, apply at least 5 stripes. Put the boards on the substrate after about 10 minutes from applying adhesive and press fi rmly. Fill the remaining gaps and joints between boards with adhesive.
USEFUL HINTS: While performing thermal insulation of underground building sections, the adhesive can be used only in the so-called light damp proofi ng systems – perform an adhesion test. Do not use it in the case of permanent exposure to water, e.g., submerging caused by high level of ground water level – heavy damp proofi ng or waterproofi ng systems. Do not use to glue PE, PP, PTFE, silicone surfaces, covered with anti-friction, lubricating agents (membranes with PE film). Do not use in substrates waterproofed with bitumen solvent-based products – there is a risk of damage to the boards (read the product manual thoroughly and check if the manufacturer allows for gluing EPS boards). Boards can be glued once the waterproofi ng coats are fully dried – refer to the product manual. Do not use during precipitation, strong wind or when exposed to strong sunlight.