MICROSILEX RESTAURO – Product concentrate for horizontal injections

MICROSILEX RESTAURO, after properly diluting with water, is used as a hydrophobisation agent for walls, in order to protect them against capillary action and water absorption and also to dry damp walls. Introduction of silicone microemulsion into the wall can be carried out by using two methods: either gravitational or by pumping it under pressure to thoroughly saturate the treatment zone. The pressure injection should always be used for walls with a high moisture level.
TECHNICAL DATA | the data show recommended values and are not intended for the preparation of a specifi cation): |
AVERAGE COVERAGE: | approx. 0.8-2.0 l of concentrate/m2 of wall cross-section (depending on the substrate type and substrate moisture level). The fi gure provided is an approximate value. The exact coverage should be specifi ed for a particular substrate. |
APPEARANCE | Transparent |
COLOUR | Yellowish to brown |
DENSITY IN 25°C | 0.96-1.00 g/cm³ |
STORAGE: | Up to 24 months from the date of production in tight and sealed packagings in dry rooms at a temperature from +5oC to +25oC. Do not allow the product to get wet during storage. Protect the product from acids and alcohols. The product should be stored only in original attested packagings. It is not recommended to store the substance in the form of a water solution. Shelf life for each product batch is provided on the label. Storing the product beyond its shelf life does not mean that the product is not suitable for use any longer. However, checking the properties for the specifi c use of the product is essential in these circumstances, to ensure its appropriate quality. |
• Solventless silicone microemulsion concentrate
• Proven high efficiency even in case of walls with
a high humidity level (up to 95%)
• Economical application — product in the form of concentrate
• Easy preparation for application by diluting with drinking water
• Long usable for the application of diluted microemulsion — 24 hours.
Substrate preparation: In case of uniform (homogeneous) walls in terms of materials, it is necessary to make openings spaced every 8-12 cm. The depth of drilled holes should be approx. 5 cm shorter than the wall thickness. Drilling points should be selected in such a way, so that the opening goes through at least one wall horizontal joint. In each case, before the introduction of the prepared substance into the opening, it should be dedusted with compressed air. For walls with porous structure or non-uniform ones, before injecting the MICROSILEX RESTAURO, it is necessary to apply a vertical insulation by using KOMBI HYDRO STOP hydro-insulation base coat, to be reinforced with a fibre glass mesh with an area density of min. 145 g/m². If the thickness of hydro-insulation exceeds 3 mm, it is necessary to apply KOMBI HYDRO STOP base coat in two layers.
PRODUCT PREPARATION: In the process of diluting the product, it is recommended to add the MICROSILEX RESTAURO product to water, and then to stir it briefl y. Injections should include the solution of MICROSILEX RESTAURO with potable water, mixed in ratio 1:7 to 1:14 (by volume or weight), depending on the degree of moisture of the wall and building conditions. Note: Prepare the amount of product that will be used within the same working day.
PRODUCT INTRODUCTION: Previously prepared solution of MICROSILEX RESTAURO should be introduced into the wall through the drilled openings to be provided on the ground level (outdoors) or on the floor level (indoors). The distances between the drilled openings can be differentiated and depend on the construction material absorptivity. In case of high moisture content in the wall, it is recommended to perform a pressure injection. During the injection, packers are introduced into the drilled openings, through which microemulsion is pumped under pressure (0.5-5 bars are recommended). The inclination of openings in this option is lower. Note: It is absolutely necessary to familiarise with the product material safety data sheet before use. The condition for proper functioning of damp proofi ng is adequate saturation of wall within the injection zone. The condition is met by providing a sufficiently long injection time (for pressure injection, min. 5-10 minutes).
SAFETY GUIDELINES: Comprehensive instructions are available in the product safety data sheet.