Dry mineral render for manual application of thin-coat renders outside and inside buildings, as well as top coats in KABE THERM AVANT EPS-based and KABE THERM MW* EWI system based on mineral wool. It is especially recommended in fi nishing systems for external walls made of materials of porous texture (such as e.g.: aerated concrete, slag concrete, porous brick) and on the walls of new buildings that have not been cured yet. Intended for use on mineral
substrates (such as concrete, cement plaster, cement-lime plaster). The substrate should be primed with MINERALIT GT before applying the mineral render.

*only solid texture

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Base binder:mixture of hydraulic and polymer binders with the addition of modifi ers, reinforced with cellulose microfi bres;
Mixing ratio:approx. 5 l of water per 25 kg of mortar.
Colours:white or base colour for painting.
Grain size:1.5 mm; 2.0 mm; 3.0 mm;
Temperature of application (air and substrate):from +5°C to +25°C;
Packaging:Bags: 25 kg. Pallet: 1200 kg (48 bags);
Plaster/render type:GP (general purpose)
Compressive strength range:class CS IV
Adhesion to the substrate:≥ 1.6 N/mm2
Water absorption due to capillary rise:class W2
Gross bulk dry density:approx. 1500 kg⁄m³
Water vapour permeability coefficient:μ ≤ 34.9
Reaction to fire:class A1.
Storage:Store in original sealed packaging, in dry rooms, on pallets, at temperatures from +5°C to +25°C. Shelf life is 12 months from the date of manufacturing provided on the packaging.
Packaging:Bags: 25 kg. Pallet: 1200 kg (48 bags).

• Non-fl ammable render
• Aesthetic and decorative texture
• Mineral nature
• High vapour permeability
• Natural resistance to algae and fungal growth
• Reinforced with microfi bres

SUBSTRATE PREPARATION: Substrate should be sound/stable (without scratches and cracks), degreased, even and dry, and free of biological contamination or chemical effl orescence. In case of algae/fungi growth, the substrate should be cleaned mechanically and then washed with water and disinfected with ALGIZID. Any loose layers, not bound to the substrate (e.g., loose render or fl aked coatings), should be removed. Old and/or dirty substrates should be washed and degreased with water and CLEANFORCE cleaning agent. For particularly uneven substrates, fi rst use levelling compounds, and then smooth out the surface with fi nish levelling and smoothing compound. Small unevenness can be smoothed right away with levelling and smoothing compound. Use the above products according to their technical data sheets. An absorbent substrate should be primed with an adequate product before applying levelling compounds or base coats. If the mineral render is applied on new mineral substrates (e.g., concrete, cement render, cement-lime render) – a minimum 2-week curing period is required. Before using the render in KABE THERM AVANT or KABE THERM MW EWI systems, all base coats should be applied in accordance with the requirements for external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS). Before applying the mineral render, the primed reinforcing layer has to be fully set. This can take 3-4 days in typical weather conditions.
Note: Prior to starting applying render, it is necessary to provide a protective fi lm to protect all components that could be soiled.
PRIMING: The substrate should be primed with MINERALIT GT before applying the render/plaster. Typical setting time for the primer applied on a substrate is about 24 h under optimum weather conditions (temperature +20°C and relative humidity of 55%). Render/plaster can be applied when the primer is completely set.
PRODUCT PREPARATION: Pour the entire contents of the package into a container with a measured amount of clean, cool water (5 l per 25 kg of product) and mix thoroughly with a low-speed mixer/drill with a stirrer until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture is obtained. Then leave the prepared render/plaster for about 5 minutes to mature. Mix the render/plaster thoroughly immediately before use.
APPLICATION: Using a stainless steel trowel, apply a thin, uniform layer of the prepared compound onto the substrate. Then, use a plastic trowel to create a texture, rubbing the applied compound with circular motions (solid texture) or longitudinal motions in the vertical or horizontal direction (scraped texture). Note: The product is alkaline, therefore, it is necessary to protect eyes and skin. Safety clothing must be worn while carrying out any work. In case of contact with eyes, immediately rinse them thoroughly with plenty of water. If irritation develops, seek medical assistance.
DRYING: The setting time (at drying temperature of +20°C and a relative humidity of 65%) for render/plaster applied onto a substrate is minimum 7 days. After this period of time, the render can be painted with ARMASIL F silicone paint, NOVALIT F polysilicate paint, CALSILIT F silicate paint (providing the above drying conditions are ensured and an appropriate primer is used for the paint). Note: Drying time may be longer, up to several days, due to low temperatures and high relative humidity. The newly applied render should be protected against precipitation and condensation until it is fully hardened. The render becomes fully mechanically resistant only after approximately 28 days.
USEFUL HINTS: In order to avoid texture diff erences, it is necessary to create a surface constituting a separate architectural whole in one work cycle with material from the same production batch, using the “wet on wet” method. The render/ plaster should be applied and set on dry days at air temperatures from +5°C to +25°C. Avoid applying in direct sunlight or during strong winds. In order to protect the unset render against severe weather conditions, it is recommended to use appropriate protective meshes or tarpaulins on scaff olds. Tools should be cleaned with water immediately after work is completed.