Flexible, deformable, white adhesive designed for fixing ceramic, clinker and stone tiles. Especially recommended for laying natural stone tiles, as well as natural stone and light-coloured ceramic cladding. It is also a component of the thermal insulation system with Kabe Therm CK cladding. Thanks to the use of white cement, it does not discolour the cladding. When used outside the thermal insulation system, it can be used on both deformable substrates (OSBs, chipboards) and non-deformable substrates, such as: concrete, screed, cement render, cement-lime render and plasterboards. For indoor and outdoor use on vertical and horizontal surfaces, also with underfloor heating.

Composition: dry mixture of white cement binder, aggregates and polymer modifying additives, reinforced with cellulose and polypropylene fibres;
Colour: natural white;
Grain thickness: up to 0.5 mm;
Temperature of application (air and substrate):from +5°C to+25°C;
Mixing ratio: approx. 6.0 l of water per 25 kg of dry mortar
After adding water, the product must be used within:about 3 hours;
Open time: 20 minutes;
Correction time: 10 minutes;
Min. and max. layer thickness:2-10 mm
Time of full load and grouting:after 48 hours.
Approximate coverage:approx.1.4 kg/1 m2/1 mm. Unevenness of the substrate increases the consumption of adhesive

• Contains white cement, that does not discolour the used cladding
• For indoor and outdoor use
• Reduced run-off
• Reinforced with microfibres
• Contains polypropylene fibres

Substrate preparation:
The substrate should be even, uniform and dry, free from dirt that reduces the adhesion of the adhesive, i.e. dust, lime, oil, grease, remnants of old paint and varnish coatings, and free from the effects of aggressive chemical and biological agents. To ensure proper adhesion, the surface should always be primed with BUDOGRUNT ZG (outdoors) or BUDOGRUNT WG (indoors) before applying the adhesive. For surfaces covered with fungi, before applying the adhesive, the efflorescence should be mechanically removed with a brush, spatula or high-pressure washer, and then disinfected with ALGIZID. When fixing tiles to deformable surfaces and ceramic tiles, it is recommended to matt the surfaces and use an adhesive bridge. BUDOGRUNT SC can only be applied on properly cured substrates:
• cement-lime renders: after min. 28 days
• cement screeds: after min. 28 days
• concrete: after min. 28 days
Substrate humidity: ≤ 4%. When laying tiles on surfaces exposed to water, use: KOMBI HYDRO STOP – base coat with waterproofing properties. Fixing cladding in the KABE THERM CK EWI system should be started after min. 48 hours after applying the reinforcing layer. In order to eliminate the possibility of leaving gaps under the tiles, it is recommended to apply the adhesive to the substrate – with a notched trowel or with the smooth side of the trowel on the underside of the tile. This method guarantees that the tile base is fully filled with adhesive after pressing.
Grouting: Grouting should be started after the mortar has completely dried, 48 hours after fixing the tiles. The cladding fixed to the substrate should be protected against precipitation and moisture condensation for at least 3 days.
Product preparation: Pour the contents of the bag into a container with a measured amount of clean and cold water and thoroughly mix (with a low-speed mixer/drillfitted with a basket stirrer) until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture is obtained. After mixing, leave the mortar for about 5 minutes to mature and then mix it again briefly. Depending on the temperature and air humidity, the ready-to-use mortar can be applied for about 3 hours.
Fixing the tiles: Start by applying a layer of adhesive with the flat side of the trowel to the substrate, and then scraping off the excess with the back side. The size of the notches on the trowel should be selected depending on the size of the tiles. The amount of adhesive applied to the tiles should be selected, so that the contact area with the adhesive after pressing covers at least 70 % of the surface. For tiles fixed outdoors, the bonding surface should be complete. Depending on the temperature and relative humidity of the air, the adhesive can be used to grout not earlier than 48 hours after laying the tiles. Unused, hardening grout cannot be remixed with water and should be disposed of as waste.
Useful hints: Do not soak tiles before fixing. Laying tiles should be performed at a temperature of +5°C to +25°C.
Storage: The product should be stored in original sealed packaging, in dry rooms, on pallets, at a temperature ranging from +5°C to +25°C. Protect against moisture. Shelf life: up to 12 months from the date of production provided on the packaging.
Packaging: Bags: 25 kg, Pallet: 1200 kg in 25 kg bags (48 pcs).
Occupational health and safety tips: The product contains cement, when mixed with water it has an alkaline pH. Information on hazards and conditions of safe use is provided on the safety data sheet and on the packaging.