To be used as manually applied thin-coat renders for external use and fi nish coats for the following EPS-based insulation systems: KABE THERM RENO and KABE THERM ELASTO, based on mineral wool: KABE THERM MW and ARMASIL RSA renovation anti-cracking system. For use on the façades of newly constructed and existing buildings, both on mineral substrates (e.g., concrete, cement render, cement-lime render) and on substrates covered with a well-bonded plastic-based paint coating. Particularly recommended for facilities requiring high resistance to soiling and in fi nishing systems used on walls made of materials with a porous structure (such as aerated concrete, slag concrete, porous brick). Suitable for buildings located close to roads and industrial areas. After wetting the silicone render, the eff ect of water molecules “being repelled” by silicone resin is observed on its surface. This eff ect protects façades against precipitation and reduces soiling deposition. The substrate should be primed with ARMASIL GT before applying the render.

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Base binder:silicone binder;
Pigments:inorganic coloured pigments, resistant to weather conditions
Colours:natural white and colours from KABE colour chart and selected colours from the NCS colour chart (possible to obtain using inorganic pigments)
Textures:solid, modelled and smooth (texture made up of 2 renders: of solid texture with the thickness of 1.5 mm and modelled texture)
Grain size:1.0 mm; 1.5 mm; 2.0 mm; 2.5 mm; 3.0 mm
Temperature of application (air and substrate):from +5°C to +25°C;
Relative air humidity:≤75%;
Vapour permeability:Sd=0.30 m (cat. V2);
Water absorption:W=0.09 kg/m2∙h0.5 (cat. W3);
Packaging:Disposable plastic packaging holding 25 kg of the product
Storage:Product should be stored in original sealed packaging, in a cool room, but protected from frost. Opened packaging should be tightly closed and used as quickly as possible.
Shelf life:18 months from the date of production printed on the packaging, with originally sealed packaging.

• Top resistance to adverse weather conditions
• Very low surface absorption
• Increased resistance to soiling
• Good vapour permeability
• Anti-fungal and algae protection (reduces the growth of algae and fungi)
• Good adhesion to both mineral and plastic-based coatings

SUBSTRATE PREPARATION: Substrate should be sound/stable (without scratches and cracks), degreased, even and dry, and free of biological contamination or chemical effl orescence. In case of algae/fungi growth, the substrate should be cleaned mechanically and then washed with water and disinfected with ALGIZID. Any loose layers, not bound to the substrate (e.g., loose render or fl aked coatings), should be removed. Old and/or dirty substrates should be washed and degreased with water and CLEANFORCE cleaning agent. For particularly uneven substrates, fi rst use levelling compounds, and then smooth out the surface with fi nish levelling and smoothing compound. Small unevenness can be smoothed right away with levelling and smoothing compound. Use the above products according to their technical data sheets. An absorbent substrate should be primed with an adequate product before applying levelling compounds or base coats. If the render is applied on new mineral substrates (e.g., concrete, cement render, cement-lime render) – a minimum 4-week curing period is required. Before using silicone render in KABE THERM RENO, KABE THERM ELASTO
or KABE THERM MW EWI systems, all base coats should be applied in accordance with the requirements for external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS). Before applying the silicone render, the primed reinforcing layer has to be fully set. This can take 3-4 days in typical weather conditions.
PRIMING: The substrate should be primed with ARMASIL GT before applying the render. The curing period of the product applied to the substrate before applying the render is about 24 hours. Render can be applied when the primer is completely dry. To reduce the risk of the substrate colour showing through the top coat, it is recommended to use a primer with the same colour as the render.
PRODUCT PREPARATION: The packaging contains a ready-to-use product. If stored for a long time and directly before application, the product should be thoroughly mixed (with a low-speed mixer fi tted with a basket stirrer), until a smooth, homogeneous consistency is obtained. Further mixing is not recommended, as it may result in excessive aeration of the product. If required, add a small amount of drinking water (max. 0.25 l per 25 kg of the product). Quantity of added water may vary depending on the substrate type, drying conditions and application method.
APPLICATION METHOD: Using a stainless steel trowel, apply a thin, uniform layer of the product to the substrate. Then, use a plastic trowel to create a texture, rubbing the applied compound with circular motions. The modelled texture render should be applied using a stainless steel trowel (1-5 mm thick). To achieve the required texture, use a roller, trowel or sponge. A smooth top coat of the render should be carried out in two stages. First apply solid texture render according to the above instruction. Once the previous coat is dry, apply the modelled texture render. The modelled render should be rubbed with circular motions to achieve an even surface of the whole top coat.
DRYING: Typical drying time of the render applied to the substrate is approx. 24 h (at +20°C, 55% RH). Note: Drying time may be longer, up to several days, due to low temperatures and high relative humidity. The newly applied render should be protected against precipitation and condensation until it is fully hardened.
USEFUL HINTS: The fi nal eff ect may depend on the substrate type. Therefore, for heterogeneous substrates, it is recommended to fi rst smooth out the entire surface with KOMBI adhesive/base coat. In order to avoid colour diff erences, it is necessary to create a surface constituting a separate architectural whole in one work cycle with material from the same production batch, using the “wet on wet” method. Tools should be cleaned with water immediately after work is completed. The render should be applied and dried on dry days at air temperatures from +5°C to +25°C. Avoid applying in direct sunlight or during strong winds. In order to protect the undried render against severe weather conditions, it is recommended to use appropriate protective meshes or tarpaulins on scaff olds.